Step by step

Step 1:

visit our website at to learn about our acquisition options, choose between A. (Full rights acquisition) or B. (Partial rights acquisition).

Step 2:

Fill out your contact information at our website and choose your contract option.

Step 3:

Once we have received your application, we will then provide you with a Waiver code to submit your work to our submission portal on Filmfreeway (please include a full media package including Poster, Specifications, Trailer or Teaser, etc.) At the same time, we will provide you with the full contract to sign (the contract will not come into effect until your submission has been approved by the festival board and minted into an NFT)

Step 4

your submission will undergo a review by the Meihodo Committee to determine its eligibility to be minted as part of our limited collection.

Step 5

Once your film has been approved, it will be minted and placed on the market to be auctioned. (At this stage, the signed contract will be initiated and come into effect.)

Step 6:

Once your work has been purchased, all proceeds (depending on the chosen contract type) will be then transferred to your provided account.

Application Walkthrough